Time Magazine Named Lebron James Athlete Of The Year 2020
America super star NBA player Lebron James has been named the best athlete of the year 2020 by Time Magazine.
The Lakers point guard 4 times NBA champion and 4 time MVP (Most Valuable Player) and 2 Olympic gold medals winner is the best athlete of 2020 with 17 years in the NBA, it is definitely the kid from Akron's moment to deserve such honor from a world class magazine.
KIng James who started his NBA career for his home town team Cleveland Cavaliers which he gave them their first NBA titled in 2016 with great happy ending, he played for the Miami Heat and won 2 NBA Championships there and now he's playing for the Los Angeles Lakers and won the 2020 NBA Champonship with them.
Bravo King James and put some respect on his name because he's one of the most decorated basket-ball player in the world.