How To Pose With A Lambo, Offset To Show You
Written by: @mrtraore224
We have seen many people posing with their luxury cars, but posing with a Lambo Avantador, it is an art to perform only by experts.
Well! As y'all know the Black folks are the best in that box when it comes to posing with beautiful cars, and today there is one guy who knows how to do it better than others.
Amrican rapper and business man Offset on his brand new Lamborghini Avantador gifted by his beautiful wife Cardi B for his 29th birthday few days ago posed with it differently with a caption "Talk behind my back cause you want my life But take that up with God he gave it to me". Ain't that beautiful?
Because we got a question here. Who can pose better than Offset with 1 in 69 Lamborghini Avantador 2020 made?
See pose below;