Fanny Face Arrested & Brutalised By Ghana Police (Video)
Written by: @MrTraore224
Ghanaian comedian Funny Face AkA children’s president is seen in a video posted on his social media pages arrested and brutalised by Ghana police on the street and in public.
We don’t know what leads to his arrest this way, but is it really necessary for the police to arrest a public figure like Fanny Face like this? We don’t think so, Ghana police is bigger than this, this is not how to arrest somebody as a public figure.
We all know Funny like to fool on the street to entertain people, but the way he has been brutalised and slapped by some police men, it is not nice to see Fanny Face to being humiliated such way.
Ghana police must stop this! Stop police brutality in Ghana. #StopPoliceBrutality
Watch video below: