Watch The Lovely Moment A Lil School Girl Told Edem She Wanna Be A Singer
Written by: @MrTraore224
Ghanaian rapper and singer Edem was caught in the traffic in Accra by the pupils.
In a video he posted on his Instagram, you can cleary hear one of the pupils telling him she wanna be a singer, and for him the respond to her request was
"Finish shcool ok.''
Edem as a father too could not search far, but he wrote a caption that question himself
"I am just here wondering if I said the right thing.
Can’t Talent Be be Pursued whiles in school?
School before music? Isn’t that because our systems are not working?
Would what I said,impact her positively or would it make her abandon talent for school #Life #Edem #Gbevunation #Wosege''
What do you think?
watch video below: