Justin Bieber Finally Cut His Hair and the Internet Is SO HAPPY
In case you hadn't noticed, Justin Bieber has been growing out his hair all summer long. At first it was fine. Like, maybe he was just trying to bond harder with Hailey Baldwin by copying her exact cut, color, and style?! But then things took a turn. A turn for the "JUSTIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING, FRIEND?"
In fact, let me just pull up this pic real quick:
Dark times.
But in a gloriously welcome turn of events, Justin appears to have heard the cries of countless worried Beliebers and finally cut! His! Hair! Actually he went a step further and straight-up shaved it.
Obviously, the internet is shook, and when I say shook I mean grateful, and when I say grateful I mean thanking whatever barber went in on Justin's hair.
Source: yahoo.com