D Black Amazing Mind Blowing Throw Back Story With Sarkodie And Medikal
Written by: @boytraore224
Well it is all beautiful to see your favorite celebrities living flashing life, but do you know that some of them went through some hard time before they got where they are today?
In a recent post on his IG to celebrate Workers' Day the Ghana boy AkA D-Black shared a real life hustle story where you can see him and Sarkodie in the picture on the bus on their way to Tamale and Bolgatanga in the North of GHana and in the other one him and Medikal playng FIFA.
To explain how is was done he put up a long inspiration caption to ullustrate how far they came from to be who they are today.
Here is what he wrote:
Today is Workers Day and earlier this month I stumbled across two older photos of mine with two other rap acts ... So I decided to share with u all... First pic is of me and the legendary rapper @sarkodie in 2010 on a bus to Tamale and Bolgatanga to perform our 3 and 4 songs each that we had at the time at the #YesBossTour. We sat in that bus for a total of 24 hours , 12 in 12 out. The beginning of the journey. We came back to Accra with a bigger fanbase. That year I got nominated as Best African Act at the @BetAwards. The year after , @sarkodie also got nominated. God is great right !? The second picture is of myself in the studio I built 4 years after that first pic in 2014 , I called it the @blackavenuemuzik #Bam studios . Playing FIFA with one of the biggest rap acts now @amgmedikal . He had 2 songs out and hardly had any airplay. @CrissWaddle told me about him. Look @ him now 5 years after!!! ——————————-
Moral of the story is ... Impatience and great success go together like a hungry tiger and a wounded bunny. One will kill the other. Be patient. Great things take time. Happy Workers Day!!! #BaM.