Yvonne Nelson Says She’s Not Ready To Marry Her Baby Daddy And We Think She’s Lying Through Her Teeth
At a time when women are practically begging men to marry them; not to mention those who take loan to give to their prospective husbands to marry them by force, it sounds hypocritical that Yvonne Nelson of all people says she’s not in a hurry to get married; not even with Jamie Roberts-her baby daddy.
Clarifying her posture in an exclusive interview with JoyNews, the beautiful actress and producer said marriage, albeit beautiful is not part of her short term plans.
The marriage tag was invariably hanged on her neck following the colouful marriage ceremony of her friend and colleague John Dumelo which occurred on May 12.
Perhaps it’s safe to say child bearing is the most appealing thing to Yvonne Nelson right now, not any marriage that will restrict her career, as it were.