Fancy Gadam hits the street of Tamale again. Check out why.
Mujahid Ahmed Bello known by his stage name as Fancy Gadam took is one of the reigning artiste in the northern part of Ghana. He is currently the Discovery of the year or the Best New artiste in Ghana. Fancy Gadam got this Crown over artiste like Medikal, Ebony Reigns, Rudebwoy Ranking and other after the 2016 VGMAs.
Fancy Gadam took the award in Accra on the 8 of April. The award was presented by the BET Award winning Rapper Sarkodie. To show appreciation to his people at the north who help him in winning such a prestigious award, the Dancehall SingJay Fancy Gadam took the award to the streets of Tamale where thousands of people met him at the airport and followed him to most of the streets in Tamale to show how happy they are.